About the Laboratory


Our lab designs, studies and fabricates advanced functional materials.  These materials include magnetic nanowires, nanowire templates, carbon nanofiber sheets, and other electrochemically produced nanomaterials.  Our research and facilities is associated with the University of Houston’s Mechanical Engineering Department, and run by Dr. Li Sun


Our Laboratory

Our Laboratory facilities are located in the West end of Engineering Building 1.  The facilities include multiple rooms that hold; our custom designed UHV magnetron sputtering system, PAR 263 electrodeposition system, micro tensile tester, Instron 4467, 4482, 4467 tensile machines, Veeco Dimension 3100 atomic force microscope, MTS Nano Indenter XP with CSM, Leo 1525 field emission scanning electron microscope, and multiple other equipment.

Our offices are split between Dr. Sun’s personal office located on the second floor, in the mechanical engineering offices.  And our researcher and student offices are located on the Western side of Engineering Building 1, in room N69B. 

Our Facilities